iPad Loan Agreement - ENROLL Plan
PLEASE NOTE: Certain registrations/classes require the validation of the Student Last Name AND Student ID numberPlease be sure that the STUDENT selected on the "Who are you registering?" page has the Last Name which is an EXACT match to the Student Last Name in our Infinite Campus student information system. 

An EXACT match requires that capital and lower-case letters, spelling, punctuation, spacing, and complete last name information are all identical to our Infinite Campus student information. 


• Jones is not exactly matched by JONES or jones. 

• Lopez-Hernandez is not exactly matched with Lopez or LopezHernandez.

The Student ID number must be the Student ID number in Infinite Campus. The Student ID number IS NOT the same as the "student badge number." Please see the Campus Parent or Campus Student app for the Student ID number. 

Validation requires that the student has an active enrollment in our school district AND has met any additional requirements to participate and enroll in the desired registration, class, or program. (Example: Some iPad Loan Agreement options require current, approved participation in the Educational Benefits program. Otherwise, an "invalid" Student ID error message will appear.)